Campus Health and Safety
Fire Safety Management at HKUST
Annual Fire Drill with Hong Kong Fire Services Department in 2021
The main purpose of fire drills for buildings or various workplaces is to ensure that stakeholders understand how to evacuate as safely and quickly as possible if fire, smoke, explosion, gas leak or other emergency occurs.
It also allows our colleagues from HSEO, CMO, CMO-Security Office and DSOs to assess the effectiveness of the fire safety management program and the related emergency response procedures. HSEO plays an active role in monitoring fire safety management program and works closely with the Hong Kong Fire Services Department (FSD) for emergency preparedness and response at the University. This year, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and Government’s guidance on social distancing, the annual fire drill with the Hong Kong Fire Services Department was conducted at the Photonics Technology Center (PTC) and the Dangerous Goods Store at Room 1038 on Wednesday, 14 April 2021, from 10:00 am to 10:30 am.
Fire evacuation exercise for stakeholders at Academic Building, Lab Blocks, Library, and all other buildings have been put on hold. However, raising the awareness of evacuation in the event of a fire or emergency is essential. To allow stakeholders to get familiar with the evacuation procedure, HSEO and FSD jointly organized the “Fire Safety Awareness Promotional Event” right after the annual fire drill. Participant received a souvenir provided by FSD after he/she demonstrated pictures of the nearest fire exit sign/door and emergency assembly point.

Fire Safety Ambassadors Training
The University always takes proactive approach for fire prevention. Up to the end of 2020, a total of 391 staff members from different departments/offices were trained by FSD and appointed as Fire Safety Ambassadors.
They are requested to perform voluntary fire safety duties at their workplaces.