Lab Safety
Center of Laboratory Supplies Procurement
The Center of Laboratory Supplies (CLS) was established during the infancy of HKUST with a goal to support research and teaching by assisting the procurement of laboratory consumables, chemicals and controlled substances in particular. The number of chemicals and quantities requested by users have surged significantly over the years and more importantly, speedy delivery is expected. Historically, the procurement process relies heavily on procedures based on paper records. It is often a time-consuming process and requires frequent searching of paper records for update and amendment of purchase. To cope with the ever-increasing demands, improvement on the existing procurement practice to a more efficient process is imminent.

To tackle this daunting task, CLS has been working with the Information System Office to modify the existing procurement practice. The focus is to develop a procurement platform for laboratory users to register their requests for chemicals, compressed gases, liquid nitrogen, etc. Previously, laboratory users submit their requests through either email or over the phone. The requests were recorded in paper files. The arrangement makes it difficult to process the data downstream and requires massive crosschecking effort to ensure accurate inventory, chemical delivery and back-charge posting at the end of the month. With the new arrangement, the information collected from the platform will be transferred directly into the FMS for financial clearance and Hazardous Materials Inventory update. Any further processing work can be performed without the need of going through paper records.
Laboratory users must obtain authorization from Principal Investigator in-charge to gain access to the platform. Only authorized users are allowed to submit purchasing requests. Users can purchase chemicals or compressed gases currently stocked in the CLS store or input information of the items needed but not available in the stock through the platform. Users are also required to register their ordering of liquid nitrogen, dry ice and broken glass recycling paper box through the system as well. For ease of searching of the CLS stock, a search link will be provided through the platform for up-to-date stock check of the CLS inventory. The stock level update is currently done manually. With the system, the stock level will be updated automatically after each order confirmation.
The implementation of the new procurement platform also provides a means of regulatory compliance. The current Dangerous Goods (DG) Regulations limit the quantities of dangerous goods, mainly chemicals, to be stored and used by a responsible person. It is necessary to have a means for monitoring chemical acquisition and inventory level of each responsible person to demonstrate compliance. The procurement platform will automatically crosscheck the inventory of the users who raise the procurement request to ensure compliance of the limit set for specific DG category. The system will halt any request that makes the holding of a responsible person over the line. Furthermore, the hazardous materials inventory of the user who raises the request will be updated once the delivery of the chemical requested is confirmed.
The commissioning of the platform is scheduled for early 2021. Further operation details about the platform will be released in due course.