Campus Health and Safety
Changes at the Center of Laboratory Supplies
The new school year is coming with a sense of vigor and hope. The Center of Laboratory Supplies (CLS) has embarked on a new chapter of its mission since this summer.

The Warehouse unit of CLS has recently moved to a new location to free up some valuable laboratory space on the vibration-free floor for research use. The Warehouse unit will continue to provide laboratory consumables supply services in Room 1523. The room can be accessed through the corridor next to Cheung On Tak Lecture Theater E. The types of supplies stocked in the new location may be limited by its smaller size as compared to the previous location. However, it provides an opportunity for CLS to streamline the warehouse operation and make it more efficient and serve the University’s goal in the long run.
On the personnel side, CLS is saddened by the departure of the long-serving Mr Painchai Tantivangphaisal, Chief Technical Officer of the center, and a Technical Officer under the Voluntary Exit Scheme. Mr Pak Ip, Senior Manager (Hazardous Materials and Radiation Safety) of the Health, Safety and Environment Office, now supervises the CLS operation with his other concurrent assignments. Alignment of the laboratory supply service has been taking place to cope with the changes. A different operation mode is anticipated but the commitment to serve and provide support to laboratory research will remain without any doubt.