Campus Health and Safety
HKUST Fire Ambassadors Club
Fire Safety Ambassador (FSA) Scheme was introduced by the Fire Services Department (FSD) of HKSAR in 1997. It aims at training volunteers to become Fire Safety Ambassadors (FSAs) to help disseminate fire protection messages in the local community. It is a proactive approach to reduce loss and damage caused by fires.

Fire safety is one of our safety concerns at HKUST. With full support from FSD, HSEO organizes annual FSA training for our staff members since 2002. Up to the end of 2018, 376 staff members were trained and awarded the FSA qualification recognized by FSD. According to the records, over 84% of FSAs came from Dean of Students' Office (including staff members of SAO and SHRLO), FMO, CSO and HSEO. For details, please refer to Table 1.
Table 1: HKUST Fire Safety Ambassadors

FSA Practical Training - Proper Use of Fire Extinguishers
To foster a culture of fire prevention at different workplaces, laboratories, catering outlets, staff quarters and student halls, HSEO established “The HKUST Fire Safety Ambassador Club” in April 2019, with full support from FSD. Staff members who are qualified FSA are eligible to join the Club. Staff who are “HKUST Fire Safety Ambassador” should perform the following duties:
- To disseminate fire protection messages to stakeholders (including our colleagues, students and contractors).
- To promote public awareness of fire safety.
- To help abate or report fire hazards.
The HKUST Fire Safety Ambassador Club” was established in April 2019.

Senior Fire Officer of FSD presented FSA certificates to HKUST staff members

Let us work together to ensure fire safety and always bear in mind that “FIRE PREVENTION IS EVERYONE’S RESPONSIBILITY” in the University!